Senin, 06 Februari 2017

Penulis yang tertawa dan sedih melihat blog lamanya berdebu

Sekarang sudah 6 Februari 2017
Lama sekali semenjak aku terakhir mejeng and post something disini
Kenapa aku memutuskan untuk post lagi?
I mean, why blog?

Entahlah, tapi tiba-tiba aja kepikiran, aku bener-bener butuh wadah untuk menuangkan opini dan ide liar di dalam pikiran
Lalu, mau ditaruh dimana semua itu?, diari?, oh c'mon
Sampai akhirnya teringat, kalau aku pernah punya blog
Blog yang isinya, tbh, rada alay (dan dalam hati aku ngejek masa laluku)
I mean, semua post pendek, post random, post tentang FR, post lainya, oh damnit aku ngerasa alay

Tapi tak apalah, biarkan semua itu jadi masa lalu untuk ditertawakan
Walau terkadang, masa lalu itu juga akan ditangisi
Bukan karena sebuah rasa kehilangan, namun karena rasa bangga akan masa depan yang sudah ada, yang terbentuk dari serpihan-serpihan masa lalu tadi

Just like me
Aku dulu alay kan?
Eheh, not anymore
Sejak masuk SMA, tepatnya di SMA 16, i'm changing
I mean, dulu aku ansos and now i'm socializing with people, joining lots of community, etc
Dulu pikiranku rada gblg (tbh), and now, jadi kayak pemikir bebas yang penuh ide serta logika (walau belum paham Logaritma)

Dan semua itu masa lalu

Untuk apa dilihat lagi?

Tentunya, untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih tinggi

Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

Hidup klise dan kembalinya sang penulis

Hari ini, tepat tanggal 6 Juli, tepat di saat Idul Fitri 1437 Hijriyah. Ini masih terlalu pagi untuk orang-orang mulai beraktifitas, namun karena hari yang spesial ini, aktivitas di tengah-tengah masyarakat masih terus berlangsung. Orang-orang masih terus mengkumandangkan takbir, menyalakan kembang api dan petasan, berusaha meramaikan hari dan membangkitkan semangat orang-orang di sekitarnya.
Sementara, aku terus saja di sini, berbaring di kasurku, memikirkan banyak hal. Terus dan terus saja berkontemplasi pada nasib buruk yang mendatangiku. Dimana kebahagiaan kalau semua ini terjadi?, menghilang?, bersembunyi dan menanti pemicunya menyala sampai semuanya meledak.
Yah, klise
Seperti dalam cerita-cerita roman remaja

After this comeback and stuff, i'll tell ya'll about my life
Yes, jadi jangan berharap banyak

And, i'm still sad

Selasa, 03 November 2015

Wanderer's life (a 10 minute writing)

I love this life
I dont know why...
I've just find out that...
I'm a small wanderer in this extremely huge univerese

I love this...
The love and the hate
The life and the death
The good and the bad

I love this life..
Because i've choosen to live this life
And to love it

I love this...
Because of all the people out there
My parents, my friends, my crush
Every single one

I know, it's hard
To live this life
But i'll keep strugling
The ends, are worthy

Now here i am
A lonesome wanderer in a small spherical rock floating in a big space
Standing still, facing the life
Whatever gonna hit me, i'll face it
Even if it could kill me

Live this life
Love this life

-November, 3, 2015

(Well, it's 2:17 in the morning, i accidentally wake up, and decide to take my 10 minute time to write this, hope you like it...)

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Back in touch

Yes, i could do some writing stuff again
The inspiration come to me once again
And im gonna tell you that i hate this day...
Yes, tired for everything
I think i need a deep sleep, a proper rest
And yesh, my laptop refusing to start up and my phone easily crash
But, i still have a book, note, and sketchbook
I can do something useful now


Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Another darn reminder before i can post something

Hell yeah, i think i could get rid of my writer block and yeah...
i could do some useful stuff again, post something here and post something at my wattpad account
then, stand by, i'll post something ASAP


Sabtu, 19 September 2015

A reminder

This is not a post
I mean, not an actual post
Just a reminder that this blog still alive


Rabu, 02 September 2015

Gravity : what is it? (part 2)

ok, let's continue what are we talking about a few times ago...
it's about the gravity and we talk about what Space-Time is, and now i'm gonna explain it
Ok, i'm not a scientist nor a physician, so i'll just explain it with the easiest way as possible, and i'm sorry if it's wrong or else, you can correct me if im wrong.

Ok, simply, Space-Time is the 4th dimension....
What?, 4th?

What teacher thaught us at the school, stop at the third dimension, where we combine lenght, width, and height.
So, whats build the forth dimension?
Ok, the string theory explain that things...
The first dimension is one string, lets say that this is the "Widht", one line, without volume, without wide...
the second, is made up from combination between "Width" with "Length", it'll have a wide, 2 dimensional space.
The third is made up from the combination between the 2 dimensional space with "Height", if you close all the string there, it'll have a Volume, open it and you will have 6 main 2 dimensional space width
And the 4th?, what you add?
In spacial dimension, you can build a cube from another cube, so it'll contain other cube (?)
But, we talk about relativity theory...
The 4th is made up from 3D object and Time.
The question is, how?

Another simple explanation i'm gonna give you. i will give you some example
You have a 3 dimensional object on a table in front of you, let's say its a cube.
You start your stopwatch when the cube is right in the middle of the table, two second later, you move it 3Cm to the left, and 3 second later you move it 6Cm to the right...
what's that mean?

Simply, every single time is unique, when the stopwatch just started, it's right in the (0,0) coordinate, and 2 second later, it'll be in the (3,0) coordinate, and 3 second later, it'll be in the (-3,0) coordinate. simply, the times determine the possition of an object.
If that's the 4th dimension, what is the 5th?
You just need to combine it with Gravity-Electromagnetism, just like in the Kaluza-Kleinn Theory, but we arent gonna talk about that, so we'll just gonna stop at the 4th dimension part.

Now, the time is simply unique, everything will not be the same every time has changed, even in the milisecond level.

Back to the experiment from the first part, if there's two particle move along a parallel path, it'll collide, wheteher the first object collide the second, the second hit the first, they both hitting each other, or other combination of possibility

Now, the Newtonian gravity said that gravity is a force that emmited by a particle that pull other object . and Einstein have a different theory, the Gravity is a distortion in the space time that make the particle trajectory curved.

And, there's other theory talk about it, that gravity emmited by a hypothetical particle called as 'Graviton'
Well, it's hypothetical though, but at least they are trying to prove it's true...

Well, let's just said that every kind of theory, has it's own way of implementation
different case, different theory...

Well, let's stop this...
i'm getting tired now...
